Aquatopia: Climate Interventions, co-authored with May Joseph. London and New York: Routledge, 2023.


Special Issue: Data Matters: (Un)doing Data and Gender in the Life Sciences, co-edited with Lisa Malich and Lotta Fiedel. Somatechnics Journal, Vol. 9, Nr. 2-3, Edinburgh University Press, 2019.


S Varino. A Viral Pedagogy: Undoing Things with Long Covid’s (Auto)immunities. Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, Technoscience. Autoimmunities in the Wake of Covid Special Section. Eds. Nishant Shahani and Travis Alexander, Volume 10, Number 1, 2024

M Joseph and S Varino. Hydrosophy: Ecology, Choreography and Multispecies PrecarityEcocritical Explorations of the Climate Crisis: Planetary Precarity and Future Habitability. Eds. Janet M. Wilson, Barbara Schmidt-Haberkamp and Om Prakash Dwivedi. Routledge, 2024.

S Varino. “Pathogenic (Auto)Ecologies: Environmental Illness Mechanisms,” The Bloomsbury Handbook to the Medical-Environmental Humanities. Eds. Scott Slovic, Swarnalatha Rangarajan, Vidya Sarveswaran. Bloomsbury Academic, 2022.

S Varino. “(Un)Doing Viral Time: Queer Temporalities of Living & Dying in Pandemic Times.” Whatever: Transdisciplinary Journal of Queer Theory special section: What Do We Talk About When We Talk About Queer Death? Dossier, Volume 4, June/July 2021.

M Joseph and S Varino. “Multidirectional Thalassology: Comparative Lagoon Ecologies,” Shima Journal, Volume 15, Number 1, 2021. Italian trans. by Giovanna Di Matteo as “Talassologia Multidirezionale: Ecologie Comparative tra la Laguna di Venezia e l’Oceano Indiano.”

L Fiedel, L Malich and S Varino. “Getting Our Hands Dirty: Reflections on Data,” Somatechnics Journal, Data Matters: (Un)doing Data and Gender in the Life Sciences Special Issue, Volume 9, Numbers 2-3, 2019.

S Varino. “Coeliac Activity,” in Special Issue: Data Matters: (Un)doing Data and Gender in the Life Sciences, Somatechnics Journal, Volume 9, Numbers 2-3, 2019.

S Varino. “Liminal politics: Performing feminine difference with Hélène Cixous” in Special Issue: Femininity Revisited, European Journal of Women's Studies, 2018.

S Varino and M Joseph. "Aquapelagic Assemblages: Performing Urban Ecology with Harmattan Theater." in Special Issue: At Sea, WSQ: Women’s Studies Quarterly, Vol. 45, Issues 1 & 2, 2017.

S Varino. "Moving Dangers: Motion, Danger, and the Queer Body in Performance." Feral Feminisms, Issue 5: Untimely Bodies, 2016.


S Varino. “Solving/Solutions,” Keywords and Keyimages in Graphic Medicine. Eds. Lisa Diedrich and Briana Martino. Penn State University Press (under contract) forthcoming 2025.

S Varino. “Dying All the Time: Violent Ecologies at the End of Life,” Queer Death Studies Reader. Eds. Nina Lykke, Marietta Radomska, Tara Mehrabi. Routledge, forthcoming 2025.

S Varino. “Every Breath: Suffocating Ecologies in a Pandemic Anthropocene,” Social & Political Suffocations. Eds. Magda Górska and Milica Trakilovic. Routledge, forthcoming.


You’re My Strange pamphlet. Chicago IL: Dancing Girl Press, 2025 (forthcoming).

“The Nightmothers,” Poetry Wales 58.2. Winter 2022, UK.

“28 Indices on Salt,” Salt Project, Minor Constellations, University of Potsdam, October/November 2022.

“Unfinished Business,” The Hythe. 2022, UK.

“The Morning They Shot Anavere,” Ink, Sweat & Tears, August 27. 2018, UK.

Natural Language pamphlet. Chicago IL: Dancing Girl Press, 2017.

“Mar Novo,” Nova Águia, Issue 11. Portugal, 2013.

“The Year Maker,” Come Hear! Queer Women's Poetry, Leslie Lohman Museum, New York City. 2008, US.

“Wanting, Mother,” Poetry International Issue 9, San Diego State University. 2005, US.

“Tundra,” Bad Poetry Quarterly. 2003, UK.

Phoebe Epstein’s Topsy-Turvy, Underground Poet of the Year Award, 3rd Prize, Hole Books. 2002, UK.

 “Home,” Community of Poets Spring Issue. 2002, UK.


Sofia Varino. "Incorporeal Conditions: Elizabeth Grosz's Ontoethics" review of The Incorporeal by Elizabeth Grosz. Freiburger Zeitschrift, Nr. 24, 2018. 

Sofia Varino. "The Brain’s Body: Neuroscience and Corporeal Politics by Victoria Pitts-Taylor.Zentrum für transdisziplinäre Geschlechterstudien Bulletin, Nr. 53, 2016. 


“Technology’s Bodies,” GenderBlog, Humboldt University of Berlin, January 13, 2022.

“Don’t Look the Other Way” with The Holy, Emergency Index, Vol. 8, Ugly Duckling Press, 2019.

“Immunological Assemblages,” CZ Bulletin #49. BWG Excellence Cluster, Humboldt University of Berlin, 2017.

“Emerging Activity,” co-authored with Martin Kallmeyer and Khashayar Razghandi), CZ Bulletin #46. BWG Excellence Cluster, Humboldt University of Berlin, 2017.

“Far Rockaway” with Harmattan Theater, Emergency Index, Vol. 3, Ugly Duckling Press, 2014.