Invited Speaker. “Vulnerability and Permeability: Species in Contact” Public Lecture, History of the Body Course. University of Minho, Portugal. March 1, 2023 (online)

Invited Panel Contributor. “Sustainable Development Objectives in History of Science, Technology and Medicine” Debate, Science & Technology Week. Nova University of Lisbon, Portugal. November 21, 2022 (online).

Invited Speaker. “Solving/Solutions” Talk, Lightning Round Panel for Keywords and Keyimages in Graphic Medicine, Graphic Medicine Conference. University of Chicago, USA. July 14-16, 2022 (online).

Invited Speaker. “Prosthetic Embodiment in Cherrie Moraga’s Play Heroes and Saints” Public Lecture, Prosthetic Lectures. Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany. January 27, 2021 (online).

Invited Speaker. “We Are (Mostly) Not Ourselves: Multispecies Cosmopolitanisms” Public Lecture, minor cosmopolitanisms Research Training Group, Potsdam University, Germany. Asynchronous format, 2020 (online).

Invited Speaker. “Breathing Together: The Porous Borders of Environmental Illness” Course Lecture, NOISE Gender Studies Summer School. Utrecht University, Netherlands. August 28, 2018.

Invited Speaker. “Immunological Practices of Toxicity in Chronic Environmental Intolerance” Public Lecture, Vulnerable Bodies with Chia Longman. Transdisciplinary Gender Studies Center, Humboldt University in Berlin. December 16, 2016.

Invited Speaker. “Alice Guy’s Cinema” Invited Lecture, Woman with a Movie Camera program, Anthology Film Archives, New York. September 23, 2016

Invited Speaker. “Germaine Dulac’s Cinema” Invited Lecture (co-presenter), Woman with a Movie Camera program, Anthology Film Archives, New York. September 21, 2016

Invited Speaker. “Eco-materialities in Mar Português” Invited Lecture, Women Citizens for Europe conference, Berlin. May 14, 2016

Invited Speaker. “Activist & Artistic Responses to Hurricane Sandy” Artist Talk, Visual Activism Conference, Museum of Modern Art San Francisco (online), 2014.



Queer dis-eases: disruptive histories, politics, and bodies conference, European University Institute, Florence, Italy. “Disorderly Ecologies: The Queer Temporalities of Chemical Sensitivity.” May 22-23 (online).

5th Luso-Brazilian Conference on the History of Tropical Medicine, Nova University of Lisbon. “Zoonotic Entanglements: Biomedical and Environmental Models of Disease in a Pandemic Anthropocene.” June 14 (online).


Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) Annual Meeting. "Alive Together: Symbiosis as Multispecies Cooperation Across Biomes and Microbiomes According to Lynn Margulis,” Theorizing the Human and their Surroundings After the Microbiome Panel. Cholula, Mexico. December 7-10 (online).

European Society for the History of Science (ESHS) Conference. "Containing the Uncontainable: the Pharmakon of Prevention in Vaccination Epistemologies Across Science, Ecology & Public Health Policy" Panel Presentation. Brussels, Belgium. September 7-10.

Graphic Medicine Conference. “Solving/Solutions” Panel Presentation, University of Chicago, USA. July 14-16 (online).

British Society for Science and Literature Annual Conference. “Multispecies Immunity & Care in a Pandemic Anthropocene” Panel Presentation, Multispecies Approaches Panel. Manchester UK. April 7-9 (online).

Planetary Precarity and Future Habitability International Conference. “Multispecies Collaborations with the Venetian Lagoon” Panel Presentation, Planetary Survival Aesthetics Session. February 18 & 19 (online).

MLA Annual Convention. “Care Collectives: Therapeutic and Pedagogical Transformations from AIDS to Covid-19” Panel Presentation, AIDS, Covid-19, and the Medical Humanities Forum Session. Washington DC, USA. January 6-9 (online).


“Water Activity” Panel Presentation, Aesthetic Responses to Environmental Emergencies Panel, Association for the Study of Literature and Environment (ASLE) Biennial conference. July 26-August 6 (online)

“Multispecies Care Across a Pandemic Anthropocene” Panel Presentation, Society for Social Studies of Science Conference. Toronto, September 6-9 (online)

“A Viral Ecology: Tracing Planetary Temporalities of Care Across a Pandemic Anthropocene” Lecture, COVID-19 beyond Borders: Rethinking Medical Humanities at the Frontlines Conference, University of Vienna. June 28 (online)

“Can Zöe Speak?” Paper Presentation, Technosomata Symposium, Humboldt University of Berlin and Exeter University (UK). July 5 (online)

“Viral Activity” Panel Presentation, British Society for Science and Literature Annual Conference. April 8 (online)


“Sentient Symphony: Life as a Category of Knowledge in the Popular Science Narratives of Lynn Margulis” Panel Presentation, British Society for Science and Literature Winter Symposium. Sheffield University, November 28 (online)

European Society for the History of Science (ESHS) Conference. “An Unnatural History of Gaia Theory According to James Lovelock and Lynn Margulis” Panel Presentation. Aug 31-Sept 3 (online)

“Multispecies Ontologies in the Anthropocene” Panel Presentation, Society for Literature, Science and the Arts Europe Annual Conference (SLSAeu). June 17-20 (online)

Acqua Alta, Mar Português and the Global South” Paper Presentation with May Joseph. Living, Narrating and Representing Venice and its Lagoon Conference, Ca’ Foscare Palace, University Headquarters, Venice. May 7-9 (postponed)


“Ecopathologies: Slow Death and the Toxic Temporalities of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity” Panel Presentation, First International Queer Death Studies Conference, Karlstad University, Sweden. November 4-5

“Multispecies Objects: Toward an Environmental Model of Immunological Activity” Panel Presentation, Society for Literature, Science & the Arts Europe (SLSAeu) Annual Conference, Athens, Greece. June 26 [accepted but not presented].


“A Kind of Derangement: the Pathogenic Temporalities of Chemical Sensitivity” Panel Presentation, Society for Literature, Science & The Arts Annual Conference. Toronto, Canada. November 17

“Material (Dis)Unities: Historicizing Celiac Disease as a Disorder of Malabsorption 1948-49” Panel Presentation, European Society for the History of Science Biennial Conference. London, UK. September 14-17   

“Aquatopia: Performing Ecology as Community in Urban Spaces” Panel Presentation, Urban Matters Annual Conference on the New Materialisms, Utrecht University. Utrecht, Netherlands. June 20-22.


“Immunological Assemblages: Uncertain Data, Unstable Matter” Lecture, Excellence Cluster Image Knowledge Gestaltung, Lunch Talk. Berlin, Germany. April 25.

“Toxic Spaces: Comparative Approaches to Gender & Environmental Illness in the United States” Paper Presentation, Image Knowledge Gestaltung Excellence Cluster. Berlin, Germany. January 16.


“Autoimmune Assemblages: Tracing the Agency of Gluten in Celiac disease” Panel Presentation, Society for Literature, Science & the Arts Annual Conference. Atlanta, GA, USA.

“Data Assemblages: Uncertainty & Vitality in the (Un)Making of Celiac Disease” Paper Presentation, Getting Our Hands Dirty: Critical Engagements with Data in the Life Sciences Colloquium, Humboldt University. Berlin, Germany.

“Doing Feminism(s) with Film” Panel Presentation, Global Feminist Film Workshop, Northeastern Modern Language Association Annual Conference. Hartford, CT, USA.


"Chronocorpus: Performing Temporality with Harmattan Theater" Paper Presentation, Inter-format Symposium, Nida Art Colony of Vilnius Academy of Arts. Lithuania.

“Cyborg Cere: Performing the Posthuman” Panel Presentation, Approaching the Posthuman Conference, University of Geneva. Geneva, Switzerland.

"Surveillance Aesthetics: Securitization & Control in Contemporary Art Practices" Panel Presentation, New Directions in the Humanities Conference, University of British Columbia. Montreal, Canada.


“Becoming Water: Performing Fluid Urbanism with Harmattan Theater” Panel Presentation, Society for Literature, Science & the Arts Annual Conference. Dallas, U.S.

“Transmorphic: Liminal Bodies and Feminist Biopolitics in Cherríe Moraga’s Heroes and Saints” Paper Presentation (Karen Burke Award winner). International Symposium on Feminist Bioethics, Sorbonne University. Paris, France.

“Livescapes: Stratification & space-time dynamics in environmental performance” Panel Presentation, Performance, Ecology & the Consumer Society Panel. International Federation for Theater Research Conference, University of Warwick, U.K.


“Moving Dangers: Motion, Danger and the Queer Body in Performance” Panel Presentation, Corporeality & Choreography Working Group, International Federation for Theater Research Annual Conference. Barcelona, Spain.

“Material Life in Harmattan Theater's Chronocorpus Project” Open Mike, Institut d’el Teatre. Barcelona, Spain.

“Digging & Scratching: Becoming-animal in Paula Rego’s Dog Woman series” Panel Presentation, Sixth International Deleuze Studies Conference, Philosophy Department, University of Lisbon. Portugal.

“Boal's Theaters: Tracing an Aesthetic in Transit” Panel Presentation, Northeastern Modern Language Association Annual Conference, Tuffts University. Boston, U.S.  


“A Rhizome in Five Rhythms” Panel Presentation, International Federation for Theater Research Annual Conference. Pontífica Universidad Católica, Santiago, Chile. [accepted by not presented]

“Digging & Scratching: Paula Rego’s Canine Bodies” Panel Presentation, Minding Animals Conference, Utrecht University. Netherlands. 

“The Body Present: Performing Morphologies with Marina Abramovic” Panel Presentation, New Directions in the Humanities Conference. Montréal, Canada.


“A Poetics of Waste” Panel Presentation (Horst Frenz Essay Prize nominee), American Comparative Literature Association Annual Conference. Brown University, Providence, U.S.

“Desire of the Other in the Theater According to Hélène Cixous” Panel Presentation, Northeastern Modern Language Association Annual Conference. Rutgers University, New Brunswick, U.S.


“Put Your Hand in My Wound” Panel Presentation, International Federation for Theater Research Annual Conference. University of Munich, Germany.


“Playing Dirty: The State Against Mae West’s The Drag” Panel Presentation, International Federation for Theater Research Annual Conference. University of Lisbon, Portugal.